Elevate Family, Business & Personal Health in 1 hour a week.


This one-of-a-kind accountability network helps Fatherpreneurs enjoy:

  • Consistent Revenue Growth

  • Stress relief and burnout prevention

  • Healthier relationships with loved ones

  • Outstanding levels of personal productivity

  •  Living the life they desire most
Join The Mastermind




This unique set of responsibilities creates great opportunities but comes at the price of higher stress & risk. When you are left to go at it alone you will find yourself:

Even your spouse probably doesn't understand all that you feel.

We do. We are in the thick of it, same as you. 

How does The PRIMED MASTERMIND work?

1 Hour Per Week Changes Everything

A Proven Format that helps you Learn What's Working from peers, Get Training, Participate in Hot Seats, Report Progress & Network in just 1 Hour

Get Tools & Coaching Inside The PRIMED Fatherpreneur Framework

Mastermind Membership gets you exclusive access to live training from thought leaders, online courses, tools, exercises, challenges & more.

Set Goals, Track Progress & Report To Your Team

Thrive in guided goal setting & accountability that doesn't eat up your will power. Enjoy being part of a team of similar Fatherpreneurs.

Network, Get Support & Get Inspired

Get access to the directory of all Fatherpreneurs in the network, post in the forums and get/give guidance that actually applies to your unique set of challenges.

Achieve Your Immediate Goals

This unique combination of inspiration, information, tools, brotherhood and accountability will ensure accelerated progress towards your most important advancements in life.

STAY PRIMED for Success

Since past achievements do not guarantee future success it is critical that we all work continually to stay in balance. This group will support you for the long haul.

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No Pressure, No Diamonds, right?

Hey, my name is Tyler Condie.

In December of 2020 I was burned out on my business and my second daughter had just barely been born. I knew I wasn’t being the husband/dad/leader that I needed to be because I was stressed out of my mind.

At the time, I was trying to figure out what to do about this leather goods manufacturing business that I had grown to resent...


Read my story

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